A passion that lasts through  Generations

Ventury Group srl was set up in 1982, through the determination of the owners, Meri Venturi and her husband, Luciano, as a workshop for the production of linens for babies and toddlers. Dynamism and quality products reward the firm. Our development over the past several years has given us the opportunity to grow, we have become the leader domestically in Italy and in European markets. Consequent expansion coincide with firm entry of children owner, Elena and Andrea. This decreed our success and consequent expansion under the creative, qualitative and productive profile.
Their care for detail, added to the refined styles, and passion for natural fibres found immediate demand on the market.
The contribution of the technology and the introduction of the most updated manufacturing equipment have resulted in a major improvement both of production standards and the relation between price and quality.
This guaranteed and, at the same time, safeguarded the original aspects of artisan production and quality.

Introducing their new toy cases, "Andy & Helen" products, become one more gift to all children. Venturi Group srl become a solid reality which hand down the love for tradition and modern knowledge for contemporary market, to create new lines.Made in Italy.

Proudly  Italian

Consistent with the desire to enhance what is beautiful and unique in Italy, all the main products are Made in Italy. This is a pride but also a real strength. Venturi Group has obtained the Raffaello Prize certificate of Excellence for the enhancement, promotion and protection of Made in Italy.

Find out more about the Raffaello Prize >

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